Robotboy Wiki

Repairing Robotboy

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Bjornbot's Superactive Mode. Similar to Robotboy, Bjornbot has his own Superactivation mode whereas he uses it for more berserk battles.


He appears that his size might be similar than Superactivated Robotboy, but still he looks like his original form but more muscular and athletic. He has orange knuckle blasters on the back of his palms. He also has orange markings on his boot-like feet. He looks like he wears shorts and a short sleeve shirt but has shoulder plates with blueish metal colored markings on both of them. Bjornbots body is split by a cylindrical waist with red markings. His ears were pointed and catlike and has pure red eyes. He also has a mask that looks like a bandits mask.


  • Wrist Blasters
  • Cannon Blasters
  • Chest Spike


  • Bjornbot has only Super-activated 2 (not counting the Bjornbot Brothers) times throughout the entire show only in Season 1.
  • Unlike Robotboy, Bjornbot can speak in his superactive mode, though only during his transformation sequence curiously.
  • Superactivated Bjornbot's mouth was accidently colored red during his transformation sequence.

